Eriko Brito Приложения

Canvas (PMC) 1.0
Eriko Brito
O Canvas for All é um app para Tablets de 10"e tem os Gerentes de Projetos e Executivos como seu público alvo. Oaplicativo implementa a metodologia Project Model Canvas (PMC)proporcionando rápido entendimento do que venha a ser um novoprojeto.Deve ser utilizado pelo gerente do projeto com os stakeholders.A dinâmica de trabalho pode acontecer em reuniões de planejamentoou apresentação do projeto aos executivos chefe com auxílio de umprojetor.Findado o preenchimento do quadro, um print da tela pode serfeito e o resultado enviado por e-mail às partes interessadas.Dicas de manuseio:- Para criar um novo projeto, na tela inicial, clique em NovoProjeto.- Para criar os post its no canvas, clique e segure até aparecer obloquinho amarelo.- Para movimentar o post it de um bloco do canvas para outro, bastaclicar e arrastar- Para editar o texto do post it, clique sobre o descritivo- Para mudar a cor do post it, clique sobre ele e segure atéaparecer o menu suspenso com as opções de cores- Para excluir um post it, clique e segure até aparecer o menususpenso e em seguida clique em DELETAR- Não há restrição quanto ao número de projetos.- Para excluir um projeto, na página inicial, clique no X que ficana parte superior direita do mini canvasThe Canvas For All is anapp for Tablets 10 "and has the Project Managers and Executives asyour target audience. Application implements the methodologyProject Model Canvas (PMC) providing quick understanding of whatwill be a new project.Must be used by the project manager with stakeholders. The workdynamics can happen in planning meetings or presenting the projectto chief executives with the aid of a projector.Findado filling the frame, a print of the screen can be done andthe result sent by email to stakeholders.Handling Tips:- To create a new project, on the Home screen, click NewProject.- To create the post in its canvas, click and hold until the yellowlegal pad appears.- To move the post it one block of canvas to another, just clickand drag- To edit the text of the post it, click on the descriptive- To change the color of post it, click on it and hold until thedrop-down menu appears with the options of colors- To delete a post it, click and hold down until a dropdown menuappears, then click DELETE- There is no restriction on the number of projects.- To delete a project, on the homepage, click on the X at the topright is the mini canvas
Canvas (BMC) 1.0
Eriko Brito
The Canvas For All is an app for Tablets 10"and has the Project Managers and Executives as your targetaudience. Application implements the Business Model Canvas (BMC)providing quick understanding of your new business.Handling Tips:- To create a canvas, click New Canvas.- To create the post-its on the canvas, click and hold until theyellow block appears.- To move the post-it from a pack of canvas to another, just clickand drag- To edit the text of the post-it, click on the descriptive- To change the color of post-it, click on it and hold until themenu appears with color options- To delete a post-it, click and hold until the drop-down menuappears, then click DELETE- There is no restriction on the number of projects.- To delete a project, on the homepage, click on the X at the topright is the mini canvas